Agoda Hotels

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Calgary and the Canadian Rockies

While Japan remains one of my favourite countries in the world to visit, Canada has to be a close second. I first got the opportunity to visit the USA's neighbours to the north in the middle of 2012, and then again later in the same year. As yet, I haven't had the chance to return since then, but the Rocky Mountains outside Calgary are still one of the most beautiful places I have been lucky enough to see in my travels to date.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Fiesta de España, 2015

At the end of November, 2015, I found myself back in one of my favourite countries in the world: Japan. Despite having been there about 8 or 9 times now, I still love it and I think I always will!

I arrived on 24 November, and had a job scheduled for 25th-27th. I then had the weekend to myself before the final day of the job on the 30th. Based in Kimitsu, as in this post, but without a car, I was a bit stuck for something to do over the weekend. So, I chose to check out of my hotel for one night and head into Tokyo. I found a last minute room at in one of the many APA hotels that are scattered around Tokyo (and the rest of Japan). And so, on Saturday morning, I packed a backpack and jumped on a train into the city.